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6 Natural Ways to Reduce Asthma Issues

What is Asthma? Asthma is a medical condition that affects your breathing. In an asthma attack, the muscles around the airways in the lungs contract, and the airways become narrower. This might produce extra mucus, which blocks the narrowed airways, causing inflammation. As a result, a person might face difficulty in breathing. This might happen because of cold, dust, smoke, molds, climate change, or mental conditions. These triggers might differ from one person to another. Following are the Symptoms of Asthma: 1. Difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath 2. Tightness of the chest 3. Difficulty in speaking 4. Frequent coughing 5. Frequent wheezing Let's understand What are the levels or grades of Asthma? Intermittent : Intermittent Asthma causes symptoms occasionally. You might experience coughing just two days a week or less. Mild : If you have mild Asthma, you might experience these symptoms more than twice a week with some quick relief medicines. Moderate : If


What is Sneezing? A  sneeze  is an unexpected, intense, uncontrolled burst of air through the nose and mouth. It is controlled by the trigeminal nerve present in our face. The trigeminal nerve is a part of our nervous system responsible for providing sensation to the face. It has different branches. The part in your nose is called Maxillary Nerve. When dust, pollen, or irritants enter our nose, it triggers the maxillary nerve. It then sends the signals to your brain and expels them with force and pressure. We call it a  sneeze .  A single sneeze can give out about a hundred thousand germs into the air around. A sneeze can travel about 35-45 meters per second.  Sneeze  droplets can spread through a room in just a few seconds and remain suspended for up to ten minutes. Hence it is necessary to follow precautions while sneezing. 1. Use a tissue while sneezing. 2. Wash your hands right after. 3. Use your


What Is 'Insomnia'? Insomnia in a simple way to understand is  ' Sleeplessness.' It is a sleep disorder in which you experience either a lack of sleep or no sleep at all. Some of us find it challenging to get to sleep, no matter how tired. Some of us wake up during sleep in the middle of the night and stay wide awake for hours watching the roof or watching the time and waiting to fall back asleep. This condition can be for a short period, say for a day or a week, or an extended period, say for a month or three months or more. Symptoms of Insomnia : 1. Struggling to fall asleep even if you are very much tired. 2. Waking up again and again during the night sleep. 3. Finding it challenging to go back to sleep when awakened. 4. Feeling tired despite long hours of sleep at night. 5. Waking up too early in the morning every day. Thes


The Right Way to Chant This Mantra:  It's not  'OM.'  It's  'AUM' AUM combines three sounds (aaa, ooo, mmm). You can still utter these three sounds even if you don't use your tongue. These are the root sounds of physical existence. Put all these three sounds together, and you get  "AUM."   You open your mouth and say 'aa,' then slowly bring your lips together to close your mouth; you say 'oo,' and then completely close your mouth, and you say 'mm.' Using these three sounds, you can produce every other sound. These fundamental sounds can produce energy for your body system. Hence chanting AUM is accepted to have high, profound, and imaginative power. It fills the body with inspiration, smoothness, and energy and raises your vibration. The Right Posture While Chanting AUM: Initially, choose a place where the surroundings are very calm, and

5 Healthy New Year Resolutions

What is A New Year Resolution? A New Year resolution is a goal or commitment to yourself or others to achieve or do something in the upcoming year. It is usually something that you want to improve in your life or something that you want to start doing. Making a New Year resolution is a great way to set yourself up for success and make positive changes in your life. Table of Contents 1. What is A New Year Resolution? 2. Who should make New Year Resolutions? 3. Why should we have a resolution on New Year? 4. 5 Healthy New Year Resolutions 5.   Do's And Don'ts For The New Year Resolution Who should make New Year Resolutions? Everyone can benefit from making New Year Resolutions! Setting goals and planning to achieve them helps us stay motivated and focused on our personal growth and development. Resolutions don't ha