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What is Sneezing?

how to stop sneezing
sneeze is an unexpected, intense, uncontrolled burst of air through the nose and mouth. It is controlled by the trigeminal nerve present in our face. The trigeminal nerve is a part of our nervous system responsible for providing sensation to the face. It has different branches. The part in your nose is called Maxillary Nerve. When dust, pollen, or irritants enter our nose, it triggers the maxillary nerve. It then sends the signals to your brain and expels them with force and pressure. We call it a sneeze
A single sneeze can give out about a hundred thousand germs into the air around. A sneeze can travel about 35-45 meters per second. Sneeze droplets can spread through a room in just a few seconds and remain suspended for up to ten minutes. Hence it is necessary to follow precautions while sneezing.
1. Use a tissue while sneezing.
2. Wash your hands right after.
3. Use your elbow to cover your mouth if you don't have a tissue.
4. If you are in a crowded place, sneeze, looking downwards. This would avoid sneezing directly at someone's face.
Whatever bothers the nose can result in sneezing. Some people close their mouths and nose at a time to stop sneezing. But it is not a good idea as it forces all that pressure inside your head, which can cause damage to the eardrums or other tissues. 
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Here are some quick Home Remedies to stop sneezing or to prevent sneezing.

1. Press a Finger on Your Upper Lip

The maxillary nerve is also present in your upper lip. So when you press a finger onto your upper lip, it sends different signals to your brain. It distracts the brain. Try doing this, as it might not stop every sneeze, but it might prevent a few.

2. Identify the Triggers or Allergies and Avoid Them

Whatever bothers your nose can make you sneeze. Distinguishing the trigger can help you in seeking the proper treatment. You can take an allergy test if you don't know what's causing your allergies. A few usual triggers might include: 
Dust, dust, form, dry air, Perfumes, animal dander, flours, or powders.

3. (PSR)Photic Sneeze Reflex

how to stop sneezingThis might sound bizarre, yet the explanation you might be sneezing so much could have to do with how much bright light you're experiencing. Some individuals have a hereditary condition where light exposure, and frequent daylight, cause sniffling and a prickling feeling in the nose. It's much more likely to appear if you leave a darkish area and enter a brightly lit place. You can wear sunglasses or a cap in bright daylight to mitigate sneezing.

4. Blow or Pinch your nose

If you get a tickle for your nose and experience like you're about to sneeze, take a tissue and blow your nose. Keeping tissues nearby can assist someone in reaching them in time to prevent or seize the sneeze. Lightly pinching your nose when you sense a sneeze approaching may help forestall it. Someone can do this by pinching higher up at the nostril, towards the eyes. There is recounted proof that this might assist with sneezing.

how to stop sneezing
5. Say a Fun Word

One narrative hypothesis is that an unusual activity of expressing something intriguing or surprising diverts the mind, which forestalls the sneeze. A strange word without holding back not long before sniffling can prevent the sneeze from occurring. Any abnormal or tongue-winding words or phrases can redirect your attention from sneezing. There is no examination to back this case; however, you can attempt to check whether it works by saying words like pickles, watermelon, and pineapple.
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6. Use tongue

When you feel a sneeze, press your tongue against your two front teeth or the top of your mouth or tickle the roof with your tongue. The maxillary nerve passes through there too, so it may cause the same distraction to the brain. Doing this for a few seconds before sneezing may assist with keeping it from occurring. However, no logical exploration exists on this subject.

7. Build your immune system

By increasing Vitamin C consumption, you can generally reduce your sneezing. Vitamin C is in natural citrus products, certain vegetables, and supplements. By increasing them in your eating routine, an individual may see a decrease in sneezing over the long haul because of the nutrient's resistant supporting impacts.

how to stop sneezing


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